The owner of the domain, a domain representing the company ROSES 1935 SL with its registered office in Roses, Carrer Port Reig s/n with CIF (Spanish Tax Number) CIF B-17737412 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Girona in volume 1908, book 0, eight section, folio 90, sheet GI 31914, first entry.
This legal notice aims to establish and regulate the rules of use of the Apartaments Terraza website.
The use of this web page, as well as the services that it makes available to the user, implies the knowledge and the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the conditions contained in this Legal Notice, so the user must be aware of the importance of reading them each time they visit the portal. The accessing of this website implies the consent and acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions, which the user is recommended to print or download and read in detail each time they access the website.
The information that appears on the site is accurate at the date of its last update. Apartaments Terraza reserves the right to update, modify or delete information on this website, and may limit or deny access to it, being able to make use of the said right, at any time, to make as many changes and modifications as appropriate and without prior notice. The Apartaments Terraza makes every effort to avoid publishing any errors in the content that may appear on this website, being responsible for any mistakes that might occur.
Access to this website is the sole responsibility of its users. The risks resulting from the use of the website by the user will be his/her sole and exclusive responsibility.
The Apartaments Terraza will not be held liable for any damages that may result from problems in the functioning of the portal caused by reasons beyond its control; or damages that may be caused by third parties through illegitimate interference beyond the Apartaments Terraza control.
The user undertakes not to use the portal, the services and the published content made available to them for illicit purposes, unauthorised or any fraudulent purposes set forth in this legal notice which may be prejudicial to the rights or interests of the Apartaments Terraza or third parties.
Advertising of other web sites is totally prohibited; including links to other pages or reference to any third party without the express permission from the administrators of this site.
The Apartaments Terraza reserves the right to prevent or prohibit access to the website of any Internet user who introduces content which is contrary to the legal rules or is immoral, reserving the right to take any legal measures it may deem appropriate to prevent this type of conduct.
The Apartaments Terraza web portal strictly complies with the legislation in force with regards to data protection and specifically with the European Law 2016/679 of 27 April (RGPD) on the Protection of Personal Data, adopting the necessary technical and organisational measures to prevent the loss, misuse, modification or unauthorised access to the personal data provided, in this case through the Web, guaranteeing the confidentiality of its data.
In compliance with the current legislation, we inform you that the data you provide will be incorporated into a file owned by the Apartaments Terraza with the purpose of:
Managing any queries made through the contract form.
Providing services or products that are purchased from this website.
Sending commercial correspondence regarding our services and products.
The supply of any personal data through the different forms on this website implies the acceptance and express consent to the processing of the said data within the terms indicated and for the purposes described.
Any commercial electronic correspondence sent will be done in compliance with the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, and only with prior authorisation from the user.
If they express and authorise this, the user will be able to receive electronic correspondence from the Apartaments Terraza with the purpose of sending information about the Apartaments Terraza services, products, promotions and activities and without transferring the said data to third parties.
The consent given may be revoked at any time, as well as the exercising of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending an email to: [email protected].
As a compliment to article 22 of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LISSEC), we inform you that this web portal uses cookies with the aim to improve the user’s browsing experience and offer them a better service.
Unless otherwise indicated on the website, the text, images, illustrations, designs and other content found on the website are owned by the Apartaments Terraza or of third parties for which authorisation, licence or concession to use has been obtained.
Users agree not to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, transform or modify the contents of the website, unless they have been given the corresponding rights or prior authorisation from the owner, expressed in writing to the Apartaments Terraza.